I took my English OSAT yesterday. For those of you who don’t know, OSAT stands for Oklahoma Subject Area Test. This is the second step in getting my certification, after taking the OGET (Oklahoma General Education Test). I’ll take the Journalism OSAT, which corresponds to my degree, in January.
If (Wait, let’s be confident and say “when!”) I pass the OSATs, I’ll need to pass an OSBI (Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation) and FBI check, which shouldn’t be a problem. I don’t even have a speeding ticket. (Now watch. Since I just published that, I’ll go out tomorrow and get one. ha ha.)
I’ll then need to apply to and receive a recommendation from the Teacher Competency Review Panel. This will get me the alternative certification, which I am qualified to seek because I have a college degree.
After that, I’ll have three years in which to take 6 semester hours of professional education courses to receive a standard teaching certification.