How To Get Your Oklahoma Driver’s License If You Don’t Pass The Reading Test

Oklahoma Drivers LicenseUPDATE 10/16/17

According to Joy Hofmeister on October 15:

“Actually, schools, principals and counselors were notified on the day results were made available that students who scored Basic and above satisfied state law. Students who scored Below Basic now have access to a free alternate tool among many others listed on OSDE website to satisfy state statute.”

Additionally, high school students will no longer take a 10th grade English Language Arts state assessment. Instead, high school students will take the ACT at no charge their junior year.

But many of our students struggle with testing. I have students who have recently lost family members — some have been murdered, others lost via natural causes. What do you tell them when they can’t concentrate enough to pass a reading test? I have students who have worked very hard this year. They have read oodles of stories and informational texts. They have written more essays than they ever thought possible. These students have brought their reading levels up two or more grade levels in one year. Unfortunately, for some of them, this only puts them at a fourth, fifth, or sixth grade reading level. What do I tell them when they don’t pass the reading test?

You have options.

According to Oklahoma state law:

The student may either retake the reading portion of the state criterion-referenced test upon its administration the following year, or take an alternative reading proficiency test in order to satisfy the criteria for a driver license or permit.


School districts shall notify, in writing, each student who takes the reading portion of the state criterion-referenced test for the eighth grade or who takes an alternative reading proficiency test and the student’s parent or legal guardian of the test results. If the student fails to perform satisfactorily on the test, the notice shall inform the student of the reading proficiency driver license requirement and the school’s remediation plan for the student. Upon the student’s successful completion of the test, the school shall furnish the student with the documentation needed for the driver license application in Oklahoma…

Basically, all of the legalese means that if you don’t score high enough of the eighth grade reading OCCT, you can:

Your school should let you know if you need to worry about either of these options. If you don’t hear anything in August or September of next year, contact your administration and request the results of your OCCT test. If those results show that you did not make the cut, then request remediation and an alternate reading proficiency test.

UPDATE: In the comments below, students and parents have asked what to do in cases where the student on an IEP or is not enrolled in a traditional public school. So I contacted the Oklahoma State Department of Education’s English Language Arts/History Assessment Specialist Amy Nicar (Thank you, Josh Flores!), who sent the following information:

Public schools are required to offer enrolled as well as non-enrolled students who live within district boundaries opportunities to test. Schools must offer alternate tests at least four times per year. Call the local school district to see when the next available testing opportunity is scheduled. Students must actually take the test at a testing site.

In the case of students who are on an Individualized Education Plan (IEP):

The student must either: Score Proficient on the 8th grade test or alternate test, or if the student has an IEP in reading specifically, he must score satisfactorily according to the IEP’s goals. If the student meets the goals rather than a Proficient score, alternate documentation must be provided for him to take to the place where he will be getting his driver’s permit.
In either case, students must take the test at an approved testing facility:

Students must physically take the test at an approved testing site. Public schools, vo-tech schools, and community colleges are approved testing sites. For more alternative testing sites, see here for a list of locations.

If you have any additional questions, contact your local public school district. If you still have trouble, contact Amy Nicar directly.

About the author 

Michelle Boyd Waters, M.Ed.

Michelle taught secondary ELA in public schools for 10 years. She served as an award-winning journalist before transitioning into education and is now Assistant Director of the OU Writing Center and a teacher consultant for the Oklahoma Writing Project. Michelle co-edited the Oklahoma English Journal for five years. She is a PhD candidate in Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum at the University of Oklahoma. She started reThink ELA LLC as a teacher blog in 2012.

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    1. You should be able to retake the text at your school the next time it is offered, or take an alternative test, also at your school.

  1. What happens to your kid if you held him behind and he’s still on an IEP and will be 15 in October and 15 1/2 in April? This is the first year he’s able to take the test and the test is in April. I’ve been told they should be able to supply him with a letter to get his permit in April. I’ve also been told he just won’t be able to get his permit until next school year which he would be 16 next school year. So I’m wondering what option we have?

    1. Since your student is on an IEP, I recommend you talk to the special education director at your school for specific information on his situation. The director will be able to tell you what needs to happen better than I can. That said, I would think since he is on an IEP, he might be able to get a letter from the school saying he is reading at his level, based on his education plan, provided that his disability is related to reading.

  2. So I am 15 1/2 already and is saw my scores but I got a satisfactory but I didn’t reach what the limit was and my school has not told me to retake the occt reading test what do I do?

  3. My daughter is in online school and its almost like pulling teeth to get the correct answers. How does she retake the reading test so she can obtain her dl. Thank you

    1. Public schools are required to offer alternative testing opportunities at least four times per year to all students who live within their districts, according to the Oklahoma State Department of Education English Language Arts/History Assessment Specialist Amy Nicar. Call your local school district to find out when they’re offering the next test.

  4. Mrs. Waters, do you know what options a dyslexic homeschooler has for the reading proficiency requirement? As a homeschooler we can pay to get tested and be documented as dyslexic but how do we use that information to compensate for the fact we don’t have a formal IEP? Thank you.

    1. I know this is a late reply. I am in a similar situation and found this and it may help someone else:

      Parents of disabled students educated pursuant to the provisions of Section 4 of Article XIII of the Oklahoma Constitution may satisfy the requirement of paragraph 2 of subsection A of Section 6-107.3 of Title 47 of the Oklahoma Statutes by signing an affidavit that, based upon their best information and belief, their child would qualify for an individualized education program that, at a minimum, is in an area related to reading if enrolled in public school, and that in their judgment their child is performing satisfactorily in reading and is therefore academically qualified to satisfy the requirement of paragraph 2 of subsection A of Section 6-107.3 of Title 47 of the Oklahoma Statutes.

      1. Could you direct me to a website location for documentation that will satisfy the DMV testing center, they where not much help.
        Thank Ypu

      2. Chris: can you please get me more info about the IEP for homeschool. No I in my area is helpful, my child has failed 2 test now and refuses to take another. He comprehends I what he’s reading, but can’t pass these test. Thanks

  5. Hello.
    My school district said they have a choice not to administre years to homeschooled students and aré not offerring it.
    Any other options on a 16 year old who has a reading block but is a bright & smart girl?

    Thank you

    1. If you are not in school, contact your local public school district. You’ll probably need to speak to a counselor, but if not, the secretary will know who you need to talk to. If you still have trouble, contact the Oklahoma State Department of Education’s English Language Arts/History Assessment Specialist.

  6. I have young man working for me that is driving around without a license. His school is telling him that his options are limited. He took a test last year and passed(from what I’ve gathered,) and was told it didn’t count for some reason or another. They also told him that if he took the act now, it wouldn’t count until next year. The last option is to pay over $300 for some class. Are they just putting him through the ringer? He’s a minority student that doesn’t have the best home life. I sense a bit of injustice. I really don’t want him to get in trouble and as a supervising adult in his life, I feel it my responsibility to get him onto the right side of the law before he gets caught. It could potentially ruin his life. What choice does he have? He has to work. Sorry for the novel, I just was wondering if you have some answers that I can’t seem to find.

    1. First, it’s the 8th grade reading test scores that you need. If those are the ones you lost, contact the counselor at the school where you took your test. They should still have those records on file. Good luck tomorrow!

  7. What if you are in 9th grade now and you dont know if you passed last year but you want to get your permit and dont have time to take the test this year could you just take a test where you get your permit from?

  8. What if my child skipped 8th grade and didn’t get to take the test she is 17 and going to be a senior in high school . How can we go about getting her the test so she can get her license ?

    1. Hi Jennifer! Contact your local high school. The secretary should be able to point you in the right direction, which usually means you’ll need to talk to the counselor. They’ll let you know what test options are available and when you can come in to take the tests. If that doesn’t work, contact the Oklahoma State Department of Education’s English Language Arts/History Assessment Specialist.

  9. Hi, I’m going to be a Junior in high school when next year starts and I’ve tried to schedule a test during the school year but they failed to set me up a testing date. It is now summer and we have everything I need to get my permit but my eigth grade reading test. We’re trying to get my permit during the summer but I don’t know what to do. Can we schedule a test at vo-tech? Your help is greatly appreciated, as we are trying to get me my permit and eventually, my license. 🙂

    1. I recommend calling the votech to find out if they offer any of the alternate tests and any summer testing dates. I do know some high schools offer summer testing, so I would check with your local high school again, as well.

  10. I ask for the test but they refuse to give it to me they said that I had low grade and that I shouldn’t be asking that do to my low grades and I asked be for that all happened but they still refused to give me a test because I had no reason but I had a job this summer and it was hard to get there and back and I lost my job so now I need another one but I don’t have a way to get there and back school starts to day

  11. I took my 8th reading two years a ago I didn’t pass it and my teacher told me that we have chance to take it on the following week so I take the chance and retake the test and i finally pass it on my retake. Now I’m 10th grade and I ask my counselor for my passing of 8th reading but they said they didn’t have my retake pass scored they only have my first score that I didn’t pass.
    What should I do?????
    . I don’t want to retake the test I already pass

  12. I have an 18 year old foster daughter who never passed the test. She wants to get her drivers license.. how can we go about doing this, if she isn’t in school or never passed the test?

  13. Hi, I’m taking the 8th grade test this year and I want to be prepared but I don’t know what to prepare or study for. Like are they gonna test me on essays/writing or reading or nouns…. I don’t know but I want to be prepared. If that makes any sense. But please let me know.

  14. When you say:

    “The student must either: Score Proficient on the 8th grade test or alternate test, or if the student has an IEP in reading specifically, he must score satisfactorily according to the IEP’s goals. If the student meets the goals rather than a Proficient score, alternate documentation must be provided for him to take to the place where he will be getting his driver’s permit.”

    What do you mean by alternate documentation? Is there a specific form the school needs to sign?

  15. Hello! When you say,

    “The student must either: Score Proficient on the 8th grade test or alternate test, or if the student has an IEP in reading specifically, he must score satisfactorily according to the IEP’s goals. If the student meets the goals rather than a Proficient score, alternate documentation must be provided for him to take to the place where he will be getting his driver’s permit.”

    What do you mean by alternate documentation? Is there a specific form the school needs to obtain or fill out?

    1. Hi Sedona! I recommend you contact your local school district and ask them what alternate testing options they provide. At my school, we use the Renaissance Star Reading Assessment as an alternate

  16. Hello. I’m going to be a Junior this year and I’m about to turn 16 and I still havent passed the test for 8th grade reading level. My school is not willing to work with me. Can I get some help?

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