Download This Adorable Owls Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Poster!

Bloom's Taxonomy Verbs

I love owls, especially really cute or wise-looking owls. I’m also working on making sure I incorporate higher order thinking skills into my lessons, so when I saw this Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy poster by Mia MacMeekin, I fell in love!

Not only does the poster feature adorable owls (isn’t that enough?), it will help me communicate effectively with my students, by providing several options from which I can choose the right words to direct student thinking.

According to the staff at

…thought is at the core of our content–curiosity, critical thinking, self-direction, and play among other slivers of learning.

This is especially true as it relates to teaching, learning, and technology. At the point where teaching, learning, and thinking overlap sits the concept of a learning taxonomy.

That’s where the Bloom’s taxonomy — and this classroom-friendly poster — comes into play.

Even better, Mia has given us permission to download the poster (for non-commercial purposes only!) and print a copy of it for our rooms.

Permission to download Bloom's poster

For the record, this poster is 30 inches tall by 11 inches wide. So, in order to print it, I emailed the JPG version of the image to Office Depot, who printed the poster on 24×36 poster paper, trimmed the excess paper and then laminated the poster. Now, I can use those nifty Command Poster Strips to hang the poster on my wall at school without damaging the paint.


Related topics: Teaching Resources

About the author 

Michelle Boyd Waters, M.Ed.

I am a secondary English Language Arts teacher, a University of Oklahoma student working on my doctorate in Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum with an concentration in English Education and co-Editor of the Oklahoma English Journal. I am constantly seeking ways to amplify students' voices and choices.

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    1. Hi Christy!

      To make my poster, I just downloaded the file from the link above and then sent it to Office Depot to have it printed and laminated. I tried using their online printing tool, but it didn’t work, so I called the store and they gave me an email address to send the file to. I’ll have to take a picture of the poster in my room to show you. It’s both cute and educational.

    1. Hi Jodi!

      If I remember correctly, it was less than $30 for the oversized print and lamination. You’ll have to check with your store.

      Thank you!

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