Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Chancellor Glen D. Johnson released the following statement today regarding the Regent’s role in certifying our PASS standards College- and Career-Ready,which could enable Oklahoma to reapply for the NCLB waiver:
At the State Regents’ meeting today, I provided an update on our goals with respect to higher education’s timeline to complete a comprehensive and efficient review of the K-12 Priority Academic Student Skills (PASS) standards, as required by HB 3399. Under the provisions of the legislation, the State Regents are tasked with the responsibility to certify whether or not the PASS standards for English and Language Arts (ELA) and math meet college and career readiness standards.
To discharge their responsibilities under HB 3399, the State Regents have assembled groups of campus subject matter experts with experience in developing and reviewing ELA and math standards to assess the alignment of PASS standards with the ACT College and Career Readiness Standards. The team reviewing the math PASS standards initially met on July 21, 2014. The team reviewing the ELA PASS standards initially met on July 29, 2014. These teams are conducting a thorough analysis, which will include the identification of any deficiencies and recommended improvements, if needed.
As a part of this process, the State Regents are currently engaging consultants from the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) to participate in the review, to provide additional expertise, and to validate the process and recommendations.
As the standards review process continues to unfold, the findings and recommendations of the committees and consultants may identify additional work that could require more time. HB 3399 does not direct the State Regents to meet a particular timeline. Each step of this review will be executed as efficiently as possible without compromising the integrity of the process.
Our goal is to complete the review process and present a final report to the State Regents for consideration and approval at their October 16 meeting.