6 Best Things That Happen On Snow Days


Four inches of snow fell here, so naturally, we didn’t have school today. I’ve been pondering my slice of life posting possibilities all day, but haven’t really thought of anything school-related. In an act of creative desperation, I have decided to write a list. Each item on the list is an individual slice of my life today. That counts, right?

  • I slept in. We’re not going to talk about how late…
  • I wished my 15-YEAR-OLD son happy birthday.
  • I wondered how in the world that tiny baby of mine got to be so big and DID I MENTION HE IS 15!?
  • I chatted with friends and family on Facebook.
  • I analyzed the Student Success Game results from my classes.
  • I built a website. Well, I purchased the domain name, created an account on my server, changed the nameservers on the domain, and installed WordPress. I still need to install the theme and create a logo. I should have that done tonight.

Notice, I did not mention grading in there. It’s a good thing we have another snow day tomorrow…

Related topics: Writing Teachers

About the author 

Michelle Boyd Waters, M.Ed.

I am a secondary English Language Arts teacher, a University of Oklahoma student working on my doctorate in Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum with an concentration in English Education and co-Editor of the Oklahoma English Journal. I am constantly seeking ways to amplify students' voices and choices.

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  1. Love this peek into your day! How fun for your 15 year old to get a snow day on his birthday! These slices of your life definitely count. Sleeping in a snow day -definitely a delightful way to start the day. Hope you fit that grading in tomorrow!

    1. Since he received a snow day for his birthday,does that mean I can return the presents? HA!

      (I asked him. He just frowned at me.)

  2. It’s so lovely to be able to enjoy a day without dealing with items from school. Sometimes you get to savor that freedom, sometimes not so much. Sounds like your day was a success, enjoy your second day too.

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