Snow Day Flashback #sol15


Playing Twister doesn’t work out so well when the dogs insist on playing, too.

Snow Day Throw Back!
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Related topics: Writing Teachers

About the author 

Michelle Boyd Waters, M.Ed.

I am a secondary English Language Arts teacher, a University of Oklahoma student working on my doctorate in Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum with an concentration in English Education and co-Editor of the Oklahoma English Journal. I am constantly seeking ways to amplify students' voices and choices.

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    1. Hehe! I’m glad to have made you laugh. We had two snow days last week, and two full days the prior week. We also let out early one day that week, as well. My son was happy. Our first snow day last week landed on his birthday. Surprise!

  1. Hi Mrs. Waters! I’ve missed you at SOL. We have one week (7 days) left in March. I’m hoping you’ll jump back in with some of your wit and humor for the final stretch!

    1. Thank you for touching base with me, Ramona. Grades are due this week, so I’ve been up to my ears in late work, missing work, and just getting all those numbers entered. It doesn’t help that I managed to delete a couple of assignments out of the grade book. Ugh! Fortunately, I keep a paper copy of my grades, so I just needed to re-enter the grades. Whew!

      As soon as this is over (tomorrow!) I will jump into the final stretch. “See” you then!

      1. Oh, I do remember those times. Lucky that you keep that paper copy. I would have been in hot water since I just posted straight to the electronic version. Hang in there! I’ll be watching for you to come around the bend and out of the tunnel.

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