You Want A Career Changing Learning Experience? #sol15


I almost did not post on Saturday because I was at EdCamp OKC. I had the opportunity to meet well-known bloggers from our state, share ideas with smart, dedicated teachers during the conference and afterwards.

Famous #Oklaed Bloggers
Rob Miller and Jason James in the Blogging to Blogger session at #EdCampOKC. Hey! Who’s blog is that in the background?!

It is after 11 p.m. and I am still wound up from all the connecting and learning we did today. I probably have ideas for 20 blog posts (maybe a slight use of hyperbole there….) and the framework for my curriculum for next year, with a possible unit for beta testing in April. Oh, and an evidence/device based activity that the kids can do in May that will show what they have learned through the year.

I also decided to be brave and host a couple of sessions in the afternoon: The Power of an Online PLC and Teaching Reading Comp in MS Multi Ability Groups. I learned so much from the wonderful educators involved in those sessions!

MrsWatersEnglish EdCampOKC Sessions
Here is the poster on which I signed up for the sessions.


My head is going to explode.

The Power of an Online PLC
Piedmont Intermediate Principal Shawn Blankenship, left, Clinton Assistant Superintendent Tyler Bridges, right, and others at the Power of an Online PLC session I hosted.


I am not going to sleep.

I must get the after-edcampokc notes off my scrap papers and onto an electronic device.

English Curriculum Notes
I may have my overall lesson plan ideas for next year…

Did I mention I have a perspective-changing conversation at a restaurant afterwards, that might lead to at least one interview that will help the readers — both parents and educators — of this blog have a better understanding of a certain learning difference?

You want a career-changing learning experience? Go to an EdCamp near you!

Mrs Waters at Edcamp OKC
This is me. Yes, I meant to look goofy. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it…

P.S. Thank you Amanda for hanging out with me today, and inspiring me as you’ve been doing for years now.

Amanda Smith at EdCampOKC
My friend and 3rd grade teacher at Kelley Elementary, Amanda Smith

About the author 

Michelle Boyd Waters, M.Ed.

I am a secondary English Language Arts teacher, a University of Oklahoma student working on my doctorate in Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum with an concentration in English Education and co-Editor of the Oklahoma English Journal. I am constantly seeking ways to amplify students' voices and choices.

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  1. I hope to go to an EdCamp sometime. There’s not one anywhere near me and I’m too remote to start my own (I think – maybe I could), but I’m glad it went so well for you. I look forward to hearing some of your ideas in future posts!.

  2. Such enthusiasm – some of your words capture your mental state so well – “My head is going to explode.” “I am not going to sleep.” Congrats on a fabulous day! I can’t wait for those future blog posts. I just wish I’d found your site before retiring. Write on!

  3. I know what you mean about being wound up! Between the GAFE Summit two weeks ago and EdCamp yesterday, I have more ideas than time. I’m lucky to have had several colleagues attend so that we can remind each other of our grand plans.

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