Have you ever asked your students what they’re interested in learning? Or their thoughts about certain lessons? Or are you stuck teaching the same curriculum year after year, fighting to keep the kids engaged even though their eyes glaze over with boredom?
In today’s episode, we discuss how to get students more vested in the learning opportunity. If we focus on the process of learning instead of just the final destination (or final assessment), they will feel empowered and encouraged to voice their ideas and thoughts in an open classroom. Even if students voice their ideas only to you, the teacher, that’s a vast improvement over them disengaging from the discussion.
[bctt tweet=” If we focus on the process of learning instead of just the final destination, students will feel empowered and encouraged to voice their ideas.”]
We also discuss the differences between formative assessment versus summative assessments; does the learning process ever end; how to place more emphasis on ideas; and why it’s important that teachers model thinking for their students to follow.
My guest today is Lara Searcy, an instructor of English education at Northeastern State University who places great importance on student feedback in her classes, not only to know what’s important to them but also how she can improve her classes. She strongly believes that self-assessment is key for teachers as is designing shared goals with your students.
Resources mentioned in today’s episode
- Our free email course for teachers — reThink Grading