Creating Spaces for ELA Educators And Students Through Blogging And Podcasting

The Passing Notes Podcast

Dr. Stephanie Hinton, founder of the Passing Notes podcast, and I finally met in person (I think we hadn’t met before?!) at EdCampOKC this year, and naturally we decided a podcast episode was in order. I mean, how can you not sit down and record the conversation when you have two passionate readers/writers/educators in the room, right?

Michelle Waters
Just me waiting to record an episode of Passing Notes with Dr. Stephanie Hinton of OKCPS.

We agreed to lead a session on podcasting at EdCampOKC and discovered several other educators who were interested in podcasting as both a means of creating a professional learning community, but also as a way to provide a platform for their students.

What better way to help other teachers meet those needs than to record an episode talking about nurturing student voice in your classroom, encouraging students to connect to and create content, discovering best practices, and ways to be purposeful in our journeys as lifelong learners?

You can listen to Passing Notes episode 40 here.

Dr. Hinton has been an educator for 11 years and currently serves as an early childhood coordinator for Oklahoma City Public Schools. She created the Passing Notes podcast “to support, encourage, and inform educators with insight for experts giving practical advice that you can use in your classroom tomorrow.”

About the author 

Michelle Boyd Waters, M.Ed.

I am a secondary English Language Arts teacher, a University of Oklahoma student working on my doctorate in Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum with an concentration in English Education and co-Editor of the Oklahoma English Journal. I am constantly seeking ways to amplify students' voices and choices.

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