Halloween Short Story Bundle
October is the perfect time to engage students in a series of scary short stories for middle and high school that will spark collaborative discussions and critical thinking. Three of my best selling units meet each of these criteria — and all of them start with critically reading a high-interest short story and end with a student-selected writing project.

“The Landlady” by Roald Dahl is a creatively creepy tale that is sure to enthrall even the most jaded middle school student. With Halloween only a month and a half away, now is the time to start planning a unit that’s guaranteed to keep your kids on the edges of their seats, but will also help them practice writing for upcoming state assessments.

“The Possibility of Evil” by Shirley Jackson is a spookily scary short story that's perfect for Halloween and Bullying Prevention Month. This unit includes a student-centered project that will encourage bullying awareness and group collaboration — and will keep your students engaged all week. Encourage your students to think about how they can help others.

“The Masque of the Red Death” by Edgar Allan Poe a deliciously demented short story guaranteed to outrage your advanced middle school or high school students. At the same time, introduce them to the universal theme of death as well as a satirical treatise on the importance of upper class society shouldering the burdens of their shared society.
Download Your Halloween Lesson Plans now

Already have one or two of these stories? Not sure you can use all three? No worries! You can order the stories individually here:
The Landlady, The Possibility of Evil, or The Masque of the Red Death