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Reading Resources
Reading TRIIPS: Independent Structured Reading Program
Transform Your Classroom Reading Journey with Reading TRIIPS! For 8 years, I've poured my heart into perfecting the ultimate reading resource. And guess what? It's finally here! Now you can start your own student's reading experience that includes a boosted motivation for students to read, sharper reading comprehension, expanded knowledge horizons, amplified social skills, and a less stressful reading environment.

Curated Short Stories Library
Looking for easy access to vetted, classroom tested short stories, video/audio adaptations, paired texts, and ideas for implementing them in your classroom? Engage students in reading and analyzing short stories to help them build their confidence and stamina for reading the passages in your state test -- and so they'll see themselves as capable readers!

All Summer in a Day Short Story in a Week Literature Unit
Go beyond just recognizing the elements of story and really delve into the meaning of the story — and how it's relevant to students today. This unit contains everything you need to guide students through reading the story, responding to daily essential questions, planning and writing a culminating essay the encourages students to take a stand and back it up with information from the short story, non-fiction texts, video, and poetry.
Writing Resources

180+ Days of Quickwrites
An entire year of quickwriting has been planned for you! Not only will you have the first five to 20 minutes of class taken care of, you can also extend each mode of writing into a longer text by guiding students through the writing process. Students will build writing stamina and confidence throughout the year.

Social Justice Writing Project
Do you need an interactive, student-centered project that will encourage social justice activism, group collaboration, and online research and writing? Go beyond just reading dusty tomes written by dead people and regurgitating boring details. Delve into highly-engaging spoken-word poetry, music videos, TED Talks, an essay written by a 17-year-old Oklahoma author — and follow them up with highly engaging student discussions. This 3+ week unit contains everything you need to guide students through reading and viewing modern literature covering social justice topics, responding to daily essential questions, planning and writing a culminating essay, video, presentation, or children’s book that encourages students to tell their stories and take a stand for others.

Explode the Moment Personal Narrative Writing Project
Every student has a story waiting to be unlocked. Our "Explode the Moment" Narrative Writing Project contains the mentor texts and writing tool instructions your students need to find their stories in the everyday moments of their lives.

Grammar Conversations
Are your students struggling to apply grammar concepts in their writing? Research shows that traditional grammar drills make student writing worse. Instead of throwing worksheets at students who will forget them as soon as their done -- assuming they even do the worksheet -- focus instead on mini-lessons that center student writing.
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Take Care of Yourself and save precious time
Copy this Google Classroom & virtual learning ready No Prep Substitute Plan so you can take that day you need! Even better, download this plan ahead of time and pre-teach the lessons to your students so they'll be ready to go on the days you're gone.

Professional Development

Struggling with that conference proposal you're supposed to be writing?
Writing successful conference proposals is one of the most important skills you need to be able to get your work in front of your audience in order to build your CV. Whether you're an educator wanting to share your expertise with other teachers, or a graduate student building your credentials for a future in academia, the ability to write conference proposals that get accepted is crucial.
But writing proposals requires a knowledge of the genre's conventions, the expectations of the gatekeepers, and an understanding of that particular venue's audience. Not only do you need to be able express the value and importance of your proposed presentation, but also meet the criteria of reviewers. You need insight into this process. As someone whose written several successful (and a few unsuccessful) proposals, insight into the process is what I'm offering.
We Offer Free Resources to Help You Boost Student Literacy
Your classroom is full of students who are either struggling with reading and writing -- or who are capable but just don't see why they should do either one. I've been there and created the resources that engaged those struggling students in ways that are still positively impacting their lives. And I'm sharing some of those resources with you for FREE.
Strategies to Empower Student Readers & Writers
Listen to our podcast and read our blog articles for strategies to help you empower your students as consumers and creators of literature.
Tools to Promote Student Literacy
Tools you can use to provide your students with the feedback they need to grow as readers and writers will arrive in your inbox immediately.
Resources to Nurture Student Readers & Writers
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